Your Freedom is Our Mission

Our mission is to be the resource our founder, Jason Swenk, wishes he had when he was building his first marketing agency. He understands the stress, uncertainty, and long hours he puts in.

Our goals for our agency owners…

  • Not stressed out about money, team, or clients.

  • Stop working around the clock and on weekends or missing important events.

  • Eliminate uncertainty with predictability as their agency has turned into an asset.

At Agency Mastery™, we act as advisors. Through our programs, we help them scale faster, improve operations, and create a lifestyle that lights them up.

About our founder, Jason Swenk

Jason Swenk is the agency advisor & coach that guides marketing agencies through a proven framework for growing their agency faster.

Jason has literally written the book for growing a marketing company from nothing to two 8-figures.  He is one of the most sought-after advisors to marketing agencies in the World, by showing them an 8 system framework that worked for growing his agency, working with brands like AT&T, Hitachi, Lotus Cars, and eventually lead to selling his agency.

Jason currently hosts the Smart Agency Master Class Podcast, the #1 Digital Marketing Agency Owner podcast. The show shares strategies and stories from real agency owners on what is working today in the agency world, and how they got to where they are now.